September 03, 2021
Buckingham Talks: Do we work too much?
Why do we work so much? Out of economic necessity? For a sense of fulfillment? To afford our growing financial wants and needs?
Nearly 100 years ago, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that gains in technological efficiency and productivity would allow his grandchildren's generation to work only 15 hours per week. For most of us, earning a living working three hours per day seems as fantastical now as it did in 1930!
Why do we work so much? Out of economic necessity? For a sense of fulfillment? To afford our growing financial wants and needs?
Even more – do we need to work as much as we do? If we wanted to, could we afford to step back from the professional track and devote time to other passions and interests that may not yield a paycheck?
Buckingham's Chief Client Officer David Levin and Chief Planning Officer Jeffrey Levine CPA/PFS, CFP®, AIF®, CWS® welcome Wealth Advisors Susan Strasbaugh, CFP®, EA, Ann Laferriere, CFP®, and James Underwood, CFP®, CPA to discuss how they help clients answer these important questions and approach their futures with detailed plans and increased confidence.
You can watch a replay of that webcast here.
If you know anyone who would benefit from this conversation, feel free to share the replay link.