July 16, 2021

Buckingham Talks: How Higher Taxes May Impact Your Financial Future copy

Independent of one’s political leanings, it’s becoming increasingly likely that U.S. taxpayers are heading into an environment of higher tax rates and more progressive tax policy.

While specifics are still in development, questions and implications abound as to how changes in long-term capital gains rates, estate tax exemption limits and income tax rates may impact our financial lives.

These are the kinds of things we at Buckingham love to sink our teeth into – which is a good thing as it happens to be what we do for a living!

In our latest Buckingham Talks we reconvened Buckingham’s Chief Client Officer David Levin with Chief Planning Officer Jeffrey Levine, CPA/PFS, CFP®, AIF®, CWS®, Wealth Advisor Maryann Vognild, CFP® and Senior Tax Manager Danielle Colbert to draw on their extensive strategic tax planning experience and share useful ideas for your approach to taxes in 2021 and beyond.

You can watch a replay of that webcast here.

If you know anyone who would benefit from this conversation, feel free to share the replay link.